#SayDyslexia Rally 101
What you need to know
July 9, 2019
Time: 9 am - 11 am
Place: Capitol Hill In Front of the Visitor Center
1. Bring your red umbrella, water, and wear Dyslexia awareness gear (optional make a sign to raise awareness)
2. Ck out lobbying tips on our website under Info tab. https://www.saydyslexiarally.org/resources
3. Plan/make appointments with your Congressional Rep and/or Senator for after the Rally https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members
4. Ck the Dyslexia Caucus membership for your Congressional Rep. Either thank the office or ask the office to join. https://dyslexiacaucus-brownley.house.gov/membership
5. Ck out the RISE Act. You can ask your Representative to sign on in support. https://www.ncld.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/RISE-ACT-One-SheeterD6.pdf
6. Ck out the #saydyslexia rally press release and share with your reps.
7. Consider making a bingo card like the folks in MA who wanted easy access to their Representatives contact details
8. Download Congress in Your Pocket App to your phone
Most important!!!
Relax, have fun, enjoy the community and raise #dyslexia awareness